Oobeya is a Japanese term meaning “large room” and usually translated as “control room”, “command center”, or “war room”. Just like the large room full of screens and monitors from which Cape Canaveral followed the Apollo missions, an Oobeya makes sure that all the information relevant to the management of a project, a portfolio of projects, a company department or an entire organization is easily accessible, compact, comprehensive and up-to-date.
Introduced for the first time by Toyota in the 90s, Oobeya is a backbone of all the main organizational methodologies and best practices: from Lean Thinking to Visual Planning, to World Class Manufacturing, to Six Sigma, to Agile and Scrum / Kanban, and many more.

With more than twenty years of experience in the implementation of Oobeya in companies of all kinds and experience as a digital provider of large Italian and international companies, eResult has put together the best of both worlds, creating Digital Oobeya, an effective management tool that allows you to keep the focus on the activities and actions to be taken, without wasting time manually updating data and information. Digital Oobeya helps large and small workgroups to manage their daily activities in a coordinated, harmonious and fun way. From multinational companies to small family businesses, from the manufacturing world to service companies, from the private sector to public administrations, a well-structured Oobeya is the ideal tool for managing teams, activities, deadlines, resources, workloads, urgencies and priorities.

Digital Oobeya is therefore a systematic approach to structured problem solving and a powerful visual management tool; a method to create effective involvement, transparency, processes and communication, sharing objectives, outputs, metrics, actions, tasks and critical issues. Countless organizations all over the world have always made their Oobeya in the traditional way: blackboards, notice boards and display boards that host tables, reports and graphs, sometimes produced with Excel, sometimes with Post-It notes and markers.
Traditional Oobeyas, although very quick to implement, unfortunately do not interact with company management systems, so even the simplest planning, final accounting and contingency management operations require massive manual intervention to ensure data updating and synchronicity in activities. Digital Oobeya is perfect for managing complex projects, multiple orders, departmental activities (maintenance, format changes, tooling …) and interdepartmental, and all of office activities, ensuring transparency and simplicity in communication. Digital Oobeya allows an improvement in reliability of business management and an increase in the level of customer service, reducing management costs. An extremely flexible software platform that allows you to easily manage complete and structured Oobeya directly from the screen of your PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone and which is able to communicate with any computer system, completely eliminating the manual entry of data, simplifying the generation of graphs and reports, updates and synchronization of information.

Digital Oobeya is supplied already configured and ready for use, but its structure, validated by dozens of prestigious customers around the world, allows any level of customization in truly surprising times. Our experts will be happy to evaluate with you, at no additional cost, which customizations could make this solution even more intuitive and effective for your particular needs. Web-based, it runs on any device with a browser. It can be installed on company servers or made available in the Cloud as Software as a Service (SaaS).
The Digital Oobeya backend is powered by Omniaplace, the robust, scalable and fully customizable eResult application development platform, built on Microsoft.NET framework and based on Microsoft IIS and Microsoft SQL Server. Digital Oobeya is a very extensive and multifunctional platform, which thanks to the innovative proprietary technology is light and fast to use on any type of device. It easily allows work teams (even geographically distributed) to interact efficiently, and is adaptable over time and space: it is in fact totally scalable and seamlessly manages the variability in the number of users, the heterogeneity of the processes, the number and complexity of the projects activated, without any limitation on the industrial sector or on the services in which it is used. It allows granular management of permissions in the company organization, ensuring a smooth flow of information and maintaining full control over the visibility of information to the various actors involved in the organizational processes. It maintains the history of all changes made by users and allows easy restoration of previous states. The platform allows massive data uploads by simply importing a file and is potentially interfaceable with a very wide range of external applications, allowing the integration of various functions in a single management dashboard if necessary.