manganelo Research and Development Projects - eResult

Research and Development Projects

The continuous exploration of innovative solutions and technologies

eResult invests significant resources in innovative research and development projects, with the aim of keeping up with the most advanced technological trends and applying the results of the projects in the enrichment of its solutions, for the benefit of customers and end users. eResult’s project capability is recognized at national and European level, leading the company to benefit from important funding and subsidies from European funds for industrial research and experimental development.

The main projects in which eResult is protagonist

GANTT Progetti


eResult is leading a large project, in which it is coordinating important partners such as TIM, CNR and UNIVPM, that aims to build an integrated system of support for frailty that promotes active aging, thanks to the use of serious games. It starts with the collection of data that will enable the inference of knowledge about individuals, through machine learning technologies, so that people can be provided with personalized support, monitoring and diagnostic services. The project was funded by the NOP Enterprise and Competitiveness 2014-2020.


As part of the IProcureSecurity PCP, an advanced technological triage management system has been designed for major emergencies involving large numbers of casualties. The project is based on geo-referenced management of the affected area and those involved, enabling real-time data exchange between the incident site and decision centers to support and optimize the management of rescue activities.



eResult has implemented new features within its OMNIACARE platform in order to build a tool for data collection and as a basis for data analysis using computational methods and artificial intelligence techniques as part of a project, funded by PON 2014-2020 and the FSC, aimed at developing personalized drug molecules for the purpose of optimizing treatments through the use of specific biomarkers.


Colon-Rectal Carcinoma Diagnosis

As part of this PCP, we designed an artificial intelligence system capable of identifying, from the outcome of an ultrasound examination, the presence and main features of a colorectal neoplasm, in order to support diagnostic activity and reduce the margin of operator-dependent error. Such a system, then, is also designed to produce reports and processing that can be used directly by hospital staff.


The project, financed by funds from PON Innovation 2014-2020, aims to improve the quality of life of frail people within their own homes, with the aim of avoiding hospitalization of such individuals, through the provision of a hardware/software system capable of ensuring constant and timely monitoring of the patient’s health condition.


Multisensory stimulation for patients with severe dementia

The project, co-funded within the framework of the 2014-2020 ROP Puglia FESR-FSE, thanks to the INNOLABS call for proposals, enabled the creation of a multisensory stimulation laboratory for individuals with severe dementia, with the aim of improving the quality of life of patients and measuring the effects of administering a nonpharmacological therapy, based on sensory stimuli, in application of the principles of the Snoezelen method.

The following results were achieved:

  • Validation of the use of multisensory home automation actuators coordinated with SW storytelling
  • Immediate feedback to the CDSS on the stimulations to which users are subjected
  • Offering an alternative to pharmacological therapy
  • Dissemination of the clinical impact of non-pharmacological therapies


The goal of the REACT project is to innovate corporate production processes through the development and application of methods and tools to implement the Smart Factory model. This will be possible through software platforms for monitoring and managing production lines, which, thanks to predictive maintenance algoritms and energy efficiency evaluation systems, enable the optimization of production processes. This project was carried out in collaboration with important partners such as Magneti Marelli and various research centers.


Safe driving assistance system

Thanks to funds from the National Research and Innovation Operational Program 2014-2020, in collaboration with STMicroelectronics, INNOVAAL and other partners, we developed a safe driving assistance system that can monitor, in a timely and continuous manner, through advanced technologies, the driver’s psychophysical level, his or her state of intoxication and the air quality in the passenger compartment.


Management system for the patient with prostate cancer

Thanks to the collaboration with BeForPharma, within the framework of the Innonetwork call, co-funded by the 2014-2020 ROP Puglia FESR-FSE, with the PROwellbeingSTATE project, a prostate cancer patient health management system based on the OMNIACARE platform was developed and used in the Nuclear Medicine department of the Bari hospital. This system has its strengths in digitizing processes and connecting machines and monitoring systems with the hospital information system.


Innovative virtual and augmented reality applications for people with an autism spectrum condition (ASC)

Innovative virtual and augmented reality applications for people with an autism spectrum condition have been designed under the PCP, through which they will be able to interact with caregivers through a personalized avatar based on data collected through OMNIACARE’s Virtual Model of the Individual, providing valuable support for therapeutic treatment and socialization for such categories of individuals.


As part of the Horizon2020 program, an integrated and technologically advanced system was created to support people with neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia, and in particular Alzheimer’s disease, and their caregivers. This goal was pursued through play-recreational activities and technological tools in order to support the maintenance of the cognitive abilities of the individuals, as well as through systems for monitoring the health and safety of the users.


Network of pneumological services

As part of the Technological Clusters of the Apulia Region, in the RESPIRO project, the OMNIACARE platform has been extended with functions suitable for managing pneumo-thoracic pathologies through the integration of treatment paths, at the same time controlling the parameters linked to the state of health of the pneumological patient at home through the integration with devices for telemonitoring, and with systems for monitoring compliance with therapies.


Prevention and management in diabetic patients

In the Diabesity Care project, co-financed by the Apulia Region in the “Regional Technological Clusters” call, new OMNIACARE functionalities were developed for the prevention of diabetes-related problems, proceeding with the evaluation of diet and activity practiced physics and defining a dynamic monitoring model based on changes in the patient’s basal metabolic rate, supervised by doctors to constantly adapt the patient’s individual program.


Digitization of archaeological finds

The versatility of the technological platforms based on OMNIAPLACE has allowed the creation of a virtual museum, thanks to the DRAGO project, developed as part of the Living Labs program of the Apulia Region. The aim of the project was to make the main archaeological sites of the Gargano area visible to online users, with the residential structures and tombs, many of which are monumental and of great historical value.


Requalification of living environments

Thanks to the RESCAP project, co-financed by the Apulian Living Labs call intended for subjects suffering from psychological or physical deficits, the OMNIAPLACE platform has been enriched with 3D virtualization functions for the virtual replication of daily life environments, within which to vary some characteristics in real time, observing the reactions of the inhabitant and measuring indicators of reactions to change.


Organization of home care

The Healthnet project, co-financed by the Apulian Living Labs programme, has created a solution based on the OMNIAPLACE platform of eResult, accessible to the various actors involved. The solution is capable of optimizing the planning and provision of care services and collect data, via mobile devices, both in outpatient and home settings by structuring a register of frailties, capable of activating an integrated system of territorial assistance.


ICT platform for agricultural management

In the Apulian Living Lab structural program of the Apulia Region, the Agripointer project has created an extended and multifunctional software platform, called OMNIAFARM, which guarantees support to small agricultural entrepreneurs and accompanies them in all operational phases of their farms, starting from the agronomic aspects, up to the marketing of products.


The OMNIAFARM platform for agronomists

The Geopointer project, implemented within the Apulian Living Labs, has extended the OMNIAFARM platform with functions intended for agronomic technicians for monitoring the production status of the plots and providing an advice service for a correct farm management able to provide detailed and updated information on the interventions carried out on the crops and on the checks carried out in the field.


Creation of an innovative living lab

eResult, with the INNOVAAL aggregation, has promoted in the InnovAALab project of the Apulian Living Labs the creation of a Living Lab, subsequently recognized by ENoLL, for the development and experimentation of highly innovative projects in real use cases, involving the user communities as creative subjects and not as mere users, favoring both the development process and the acceptance of new services and technologies.


Technological aid for children suffering from autism

eResult has successfully used robotic platforms for pedagogical use to school and preschool children, affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders, in the ASTRO project linked to the Apulia Region Living Labs programme. With a specific extension of the OMNIACARE system, an interaction mediated by the robot was experimented in order to improve the child-adult relationship.


Monitoring of iatrogenic effects of drugs

Co-funded by the AAL Program of the European Commission, the European project ACCESS has entrusted its most clinically significant part in the developments of the OMNIACARE platform, extended with innovative modules designed to monitor the induced effects, on cardiac parameters and on the autonomic nervous system, from drugs administered in therapies to people with Alzheimer’s.


Promotion of cultural and environmental itineraries

The OMNIAPLACE platform of eResult has been successfully used in the development of services to support tourism-cultural promotion, thanks also to the EPULIA project, implemented in the “Cultural Heritage and Tourism” domain of the Apulian Living Labs, creating a platform populated by innovative technological applications in mobile devices, through which to make available entertainment and educational content, in interactive and multimedia mode.


Vital parameters telemonitoring

For the Living Labs programme of the Apulia Region, within the CareAtHome project eResult has created functionalities in the OMNIACARE platform capable of recording and analyzing, at the patient’s home, the parameters useful for monitoring conditions of health in a multidimensional perspective. The system represents patient data, highlighting the significant changes and alerting, through appropriate algorithms, for an intervention.


Active ageing to home

The Active Ageing At Home project, sponsored and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research as part of the National Technological Clusters, saw the coordination of numerous scientific and industrial partners by eResult, leading to the creation of an innovative technological platform for active ageing, based on OMNIACARE and characterized by the concept of the Virtual Model of the Individual.


Robotic didactic support for dyslexia

The ROBotic INteraction system for visuo-spatial data presentation for effective learning (ROBIN) project has created a platform integrated with a robot and based on OMNIAPLACE, for helping children with dyslexia. ROBIN is implemented in the “Education and Education” domain of the Apulian Living Labs, for the development and sharing of didactic content and tools and educational platforms.


Autonomous mobility for fragile subjects

In the SWEET MOBILITY project, funded by the POR programme of Tuscany Region, a system for the elderly based on OMNIAPLACE and on a smartphone was devised, equipped with a specific software application for a simple navigation interface that guides the elderly in safety, through particularly valuable tourist pedestrian paths, at the same time monitoring the heart rate to detect fatigue and prevent discomfort.


Integrated robotic system for socialization

In the framework of the POR funding programme of Tuscany Region, the project led to the creation of a technological-robotic prototype based on OMNIACARE, functional to the progressive prolongation of life and home care of fragile people, thanks to punctual and continuous monitoring of daily activities, and above all equipping them with a system capable of fighting loneliness and depression, favoring their socialization activities.


Technological solutions for social housing

The innovative solutions of eResult have been used in the HOST project (Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing), a European research project, part of the Joint Program Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) – Call 3 of the European Commission, for the development of a digital infrastructure that constitutes a gateway to support services for the inhabitants of social housing.


eResult is leading a large project, in which it is coordinating important partners such as TIM, CNR and UNIVPM, that aims to build an integrated system of support for frailty that promotes active aging, thanks to the use of serious games. It starts with the collection of data that will enable the inference of knowledge about individuals, through machine learning technologies, so that people can be provided with personalized support, monitoring and diagnostic services. The project was funded by the NOP Enterprise and Competitiveness 2014-2020.


As part of the IProcureSecurity PCP, an advanced technological triage management system has been designed for major emergencies involving large numbers of casualties. The project is based on geo-referenced management of the affected area and those involved, enabling real-time data exchange between the incident site and decision centers to support and optimize the management of rescue activities.


eResult has implemented new features within its OMNIACARE platform in order to build a tool for data collection and as a basis for data analysis using computational methods and artificial intelligence techniques as part of a project, funded by PON 2014-2020 and the FSC, aimed at developing personalized drug molecules for the purpose of optimizing treatments through the use of specific biomarkers.


Colon-Rectal Carcinoma Diagnosis

As part of this PCP, we designed an artificial intelligence system capable of identifying, from the outcome of an ultrasound examination, the presence and main features of a colorectal neoplasm, in order to support diagnostic activity and reduce the margin of operator-dependent error. Such a system, then, is also designed to produce reports and processing that can be used directly by hospital staff.


The project, financed by funds from PON Innovation 2014-2020, aims to improve the quality of life of frail people within their own homes, with the aim of avoiding hospitalization of such individuals, through the provision of a hardware/software system capable of ensuring constant and timely monitoring of the patient’s health condition.


Multisensory stimulation for people with severe dementia

As part of the INNOLABS grant, funded by the Apulia Region, a multisensory stimulation laboratory was set up for individuals with severe dementia, with the aim of improving patients’ quality of life and measuring the effects of administering a nonpharmacological therapy, based on sensory stimuli, in application of the principles of the Snoezelen method.


The goal of the REACT project is to innovate corporate production processes through the development and application of methods and tools to implement the Smart Factory model. This will be possible through software platforms for monitoring and managing production lines, which, thanks to predictive maintenance algoritms and energy efficiency evaluation systems, enable the optimization of production processes. This project was carried out in collaboration with important partners such as Magneti Marelli and various research centers.


Safe driving assistance system

Thanks to funds from the National Research and Innovation Operational Program 2014-2020, in collaboration with STMicroelectronics, INNOVAAL and other partners, we developed a safe driving assistance system that can monitor, in a timely and continuous manner, through advanced technologies, the driver’s psychophysical level, his or her state of intoxication and the air quality in the passenger compartment.


Management system for the patient with prostate cancer

Thanks to the collaboration with BeForPharma, within the framework of the Innonetwork call, co-funded by the ROP Puglia Region, with the PROwellbeingSTATE project a prostate cancer patient health management system was developed, based on OMNIACARE.


Innovative virtual and augmented reality applications for people with an autism spectrum condition (ASC)

Innovative virtual and augmented reality applications for people with an autism spectrum condition have been designed under the PCP, through which they will be able to interact with caregivers through a personalized avatar based on data collected through OMNIACARE’s Virtual Model of the Individual, providing valuable support for therapeutic treatment and socialization for such categories of individuals.


As part of the Horizon2020 program, an integrated and technologically advanced system was created to support people with neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and their caregivers. This goal was pursued through play-recreational activities and technological tools in order to support the maintenance of the cognitive abilities of the individuals, as well as through systems for monitoring the health and safety of the users.


Network of pneumological services

As part of the Technological Clusters of the Apulia Region, in the RESPIRO project, the OMNIACARE platform has been extended with functions suitable for managing pneumo-thoracic pathologies through the integration of treatment paths, at the same time controlling the parameters linked to the state of health of the pneumological patient at home through the integration with devices for telemonitoring, and with systems for monitoring compliance with therapies.


Prevention and management in diabetic patients

In the Diabesity Care project, co-financed by the Apulia Region in the “Regional Technological Clusters” call, new OMNIACARE functionalities were developed for the prevention of diabetes-related problems, proceeding with the evaluation of diet and activity practiced physics and defining a dynamic monitoring model based on changes in the patient’s basal metabolic rate, supervised by doctors to constantly adapt the patient’s individual program.


Social farm for inclusion

In the MISS project linked to the Technology Clusters of the Apulia Region, eResult’s OMNIAPLACE platform, modules were developed for the IT support of complementary therapies (garden therapy, pet therapy, arts therapy) and classic education and rehabilitation in masserias or “Social Farms,” facilities that extend their services to people with forms of psycho-physical disadvantage or social hardship.


Digitization of archaeological finds

The versatility of the technological platforms based on OMNIAPLACE has allowed the creation of a virtual museum, thanks to the DRAGO project, developed as part of the Living Labs program of the Apulia Region. The aim of the project was to make the main archaeological sites of the Gargano area visible to online users, with the residential structures and tombs, many of which are monumental and of great historical value.


Requalification of living environments

Thanks to the RESCAP project, co-financed by the Apulian Living Labs call intended for subjects suffering from psychological or physical deficits, the OMNIAPLACE platform has been enriched with 3D virtualization functions for the virtual replication of daily life environments, within which to vary some characteristics in real time, observing the reactions of the inhabitant and measuring indicators of reactions to change.


Organization of home care

The Healthnet project, co-financed by the Apulian Living Labs programme, has created a solution based on the OMNIAPLACE platform of eResult, accessible to the various actors involved. The solution is capable of optimizing the planning and provision of care services and collect data, via mobile devices, both in outpatient and home settings by structuring a register of frailties, capable of activating an integrated system of territorial assistance.


The OMNIAFARM platform for agronomists

The Geopointer project, implemented within the Apulian Living Labs, has extended the OMNIAFARM platform with functions intended for agronomic technicians for monitoring the production status of the plots and providing an advice service for a correct farm management able to provide detailed and updated information on the interventions carried out on the crops and on the checks carried out in the field.


Creation of an innovative living lab

eResult, with the INNOVAAL aggregation, has promoted in the InnovAALab project of the Apulian Living Labs the creation of a Living Lab, subsequently recognized by ENoLL, for the development and experimentation of highly innovative projects in real use cases, involving the user communities as creative subjects and not as mere users, favoring both the development process and the acceptance of new services and technologies.


Technological aid for children suffering from autism

eResult has successfully used robotic platforms for pedagogical use to school and preschool children, affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders, in the ASTRO project linked to the Apulia Region Living Labs programme. With a specific extension of the OMNIACARE system, an interaction mediated by the robot was experimented in order to improve the child-adult relationship.


Monitoring of iatrogenic effects of drugs

Co-funded by the AAL Program of the European Commission, the European project ACCESS has entrusted its most clinically significant part in the developments of the OMNIACARE platform, extended with innovative modules designed to monitor the induced effects, on cardiac parameters and on the autonomic nervous system, from drugs administered in therapies to people with Alzheimer’s.


ICT platform for agricultural management

In the Apulian Living Lab structural program of the Apulia Region, the Agripointer project has created an extended and multifunctional software platform, called OMNIAFARM, which guarantees support to small agricultural entrepreneurs and accompanies them in all operational phases of their farms, starting from the agronomic aspects, up to the marketing of products.


Promotion of cultural and environmental itineraries

The OMNIAPLACE platform of eResult has been successfully used in the development of services to support tourism-cultural promotion, thanks also to the EPULIA project, implemented in the “Cultural Heritage and Tourism” domain of the Apulian Living Labs, creating a platform populated by innovative technological applications in mobile devices, through which to make available entertainment and educational content, in interactive and multimedia mode.


Vital parameters telemonitoring

For the Living Labs programme of the Apulia Region, within the CareAtHome project eResult has created functionalities in the OMNIACARE platform capable of recording and analyzing, at the patient’s home, the parameters useful for monitoring conditions of health in a multidimensional perspective. The system represents patient data, highlighting the significant changes and alerting, through appropriate algorithms, for an intervention.


Active ageing to home

The Active Ageing At Home project, sponsored and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research as part of the National Technological Clusters, saw the coordination of numerous scientific and industrial partners by eResult, leading to the creation of an innovative technological platform for active ageing, based on OMNIACARE and characterized by the concept of the Virtual Model of the Individual.


Robotic didactic support for dyslexia

The ROBotic INteraction system for visuo-spatial data presentation for effective learning (ROBIN) project has created a platform integrated with a robot and based on OMNIAPLACE, for helping children with dyslexia. ROBIN is implemented in the “Education and Education” domain of the Apulian Living Labs, for the development and sharing of didactic content and tools and educational platforms.


Autonomous mobility for fragile subjects

In the SWEET MOBILITY project, funded by the POR programme of Tuscany Region, a system for the elderly based on OMNIAPLACE and on a smartphone was devised, equipped with a specific software application for a simple navigation interface that guides the elderly in safety, through particularly valuable tourist pedestrian paths, at the same time monitoring the heart rate to detect fatigue and prevent discomfort.


Integrated robotic system for socialization

In the framework of the POR funding programme of Tuscany Region, the project led to the creation of a technological-robotic prototype based on OMNIACARE, functional to the progressive prolongation of life and home care of fragile people, thanks to punctual and continuous monitoring of daily activities, and above all equipping them with a system capable of fighting loneliness and depression, favoring their socialization activities.


Technological solutions for social housing

The innovative solutions of eResult have been used in the HOST project (Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing), a European research project, part of the Joint Program Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) – Call 3 of the European Commission, for the development of a digital infrastructure that constitutes a gateway to support services for the inhabitants of social housing.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato