bflix Partners - eResult


Not just suppliers but reliable partners.

eResult has launched over the years numerous partnerships with institutions, companies, research centers, universities in Italy and Europe. This has led to the creation of the latest generation of IT projects and services capable of providing concrete answers to the needs of communities in an evolving economic and social scenario. The continuous technological research, the design in environment assisted living, health and e-learning are important nodes of the network for innovation, made of ICT skills and technology transfer, exchange of experiences, integration of models and systems.

eResult is a partner and provider of the global software solution adopted by Allianz insurance company.

The solutions developed on Amadori needs support the processes of traceability and control of Italian excellence.

Assiteca uses eResult solutions to manage the services offered to customers.

Our customized solutions manage the entire agricultural risk insurance branch of the Italian reality.

With the National Research Council’s Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, we have a number of collaborations.

eResult has collaborated with the Institute of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology of the CN of researches.

eResult and the National Institute of Optics have collaborated to develop a prototype system for optical air quality analysis.

CNR’s Institute of Information Science and Technology has collaborated with eResult in the development of middleware for managing health-related data.

eResult and Cooperativa La Casa collaborate in the search for solutions that improve the living conditions of fragile people in the home environment.

European Landowners’ Organization and eResult have collaborated on bioeconomy and dissemination of results for European bioenergy-related projects.

eResult and the Apulian company Exprivia have realized algorithms for fall detection of elderly people, through expert systems.

Important are the collaborations with the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, for the scientific research in the systems of assistance to fragile subjects and elderly patients.

eResult provides the Italian Feed Group with highly customized solutions for tracking raw materials and quality control products.

GPI Group has collaborated with eResult to create social and inclusion features specifically for seniors through dedicated social networks.

The collaboration between Grado Zero Espace and eResult takes place in the area of advanced textiles, aimed at the creation of sensorized garments.

With Ingel, a partner in the innovAAL aggregation, eResult collaborates on the development of complex electronic systems.

eResult is one of the founders of innovAAL, a public-private partnership for the research and development of innovative technologies and services for Active & Assisted Living

eResult and the National Institute of Rest and Care for the Elderly have established a scientific partnership to test technology solutions for seniors.

With Finabita Spa, a member of Legacoop’s League of Housing Cooperatives, eResult collaborates on product and service innovation for frail residents.

With the historical Bolognese company, eResult has started a project collaboration for the development of data science paradigms for predictive maintenance.

eResult provides MB, a leading poultry feed manufacturing company, with advanced, customized solutions for tracking, labeling and quality control.

For the multinational pharmaceutical company, eResult developed a mobile-based laboratory management and results control solution.

eResult provides customized software to PM international’s affiliate to manage information and processes in support of numerous business areas.

eResult’s solutions respond promptly and punctually to the demand for innovation, flexibility and reliability of a large multinational company.

eResult provides Reale Mutua with its software solutions for the management of the agri-food insurance branch.

eResult creates an advanced, customized solution for global economic data collection for the world’s leading cable and fiber optic manufacturer.

Rosetti Marino and eResult have started a partnership in data science aimed at optimizing the maintenance processes of important industrial companies.

With Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Department of Robotics, robotics components are developed for home care of the elderly.

The important Swiss company specialized in agricultural insurance uses the solutions developed specifically by eResult for its business.

eResult provides customized time and method management solutions for the world’s leading wellness equipment company.

The multinational company and eResult are collaborating in the development of sensors for physical status verification and integrated driver assistance and support systems.

The collaboration between eResult and the University of Bari is developed in pain detection and fall systems, and in the management of radiation oncology processes.

Long and consolidated partnership for the analysis, development and scientific validation of assistive technologies and support for fragile subjects.

University of Rome La Sapienza and eResult work together in the realization of advanced solutions for Heart Rate Variability.

The university is an established scientific partner for technologies to support cardiology and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer).

The University of Trento has collaborated with eResult on active aging issues, for data collection on technology solutions for seniors.

Université Paris Sud – Institut d’Électronique Fondamentale (IEF) has been eResult’s scientific partner in the area of complex e-service computing systems.

With Polibenestar of Valencia (Spain), eResult has defined business plans and international business management projects.

For the world’s leading international insurance broker in risk-management, eResult creates a comprehensive solution in agricultural risk.

Major pharmaceutical company chooses eResult for a custom laboratory management and sample tracking/labeling solution.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato