bflix Omniaquality - eResult


The implementation of Omniaplace for quality

OMNIAQUALITY has been developed on the specific needs of companies regarding integrated quality management, thanks to the flexibility of the software platform OMNIAPLACE.

The solution standardizes and automates all company procedures and forms to be used in the various phases of the processes (customer request, planning, production, control, corrective actions, non-conformity detection, deliveries, checks).

It implements the local “quality manual”, managing in the software the procedures and instructions of the quality system for each activity having an influence on quality and defining a workflow of responsibilities, authorities and interrelationships of personnel who manage, execute, verify and review the activities that affect the quality of the product or service.

OMNIAQUALITY also keeps all the records required by the standard to provide evidence of compliance with the requirements and the effective functioning of the company’s quality system.

OMNIAQUALITY allows you to implement the certification of processes with approval of procedures, governing the preparation, management and archiving in electronic format of all documents involved (quality manual, quality procedures, operating instructions, forms or documents on which the various activities are recorded). The solution developed deals with the controlled distribution of all document updates to interested users, the management of non-conformities and the initiation of corrective actions, as well as the management of returns, complaints, forms and document reviews.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato