bflix ISO 9001:2015 - eResult

ISO 9001:2015

eResult is a certified company UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

For the best organization and the real achievement of the expected results and objectives, eResult follows all the standards of international validity of the management and quality. Applying this certification in the company means creating an organizational system whose requirements meet the requirements of international standards in all business processes: commercial, purchasing management, production, etc.

Quality Policy


  • Companies don’t always have the internal resources to keep up to date in the ICT world, but they cannot afford, at the same time, to lag behind in order not to lose ground against the competition in terms of productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, image and competitiveness.
  • The economy is taking on an increasingly evident and concrete global dimension.
  • Competition between companies is reaching unprecedented levels.
  • Information and networking systems are becoming the cornerstone of every type of business.
  • Information and communication technologies are evolving at a rapid rate.

Our tasks

  • To enable companies to remain competitive by implementing advanced and modern IT solutions for them, based on their specific needs.
  • Helping companies understand the world of the Internet and the Web:
  1. its characteristics;
  2. its problems;
  3. its perspectives;
  4. its possible uses;
  5. its possible advantages.
  • Help companies to increase their profitability by implementing ad hoc information systems, able to streamline and improve the management of internal processes.
  • Offer companies an outsourcing service so that:
  1. do not lose out to competition in such a strategic sector;
  2. they are able to have solutions and systems that are always up to date, as they are provided by experts in the sector;
  3. do not have to invest large amounts of resources and time internally to keep up to date in a complex field and in continuous and rapid evolution;
  4. can find in eResult not just suppliers, but experienced partners to whom they can entrust their IT problems.

Objectives and strategies

In view of the considerations set out above, the objectives set by the eResult are as follows:

  1. increase in business volume through the acquisition of new customers, the expansion of services to existing customers and the development of ad hoc software;
  2. maintaining high quality standards of the products provided and the services provided (ability to respond);
  3. development of the skills of all company employees and in particular for people involved in cloud technologies, microservices and machine learning;
  4. development and certification of Microsoft products;
  5. development of a solid and effective corporate communication capable of transmitting value to all potential customers and to the market by increasing the visibility and reputation of the Company.

In order to allow the obtaining of what has been said, the Management:

  • undertakes to comply with the requirements regarding the products/services offered;
  • continuously implements and improves its quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard;
  • allocates adequate resources for monitoring results and pursuing company processes/activities;
  • identifies quality indicators and periodically monitors, through the “management review”, the effectiveness of the improvement actions implemented;
  • verifies the continued appropriateness of the commitments made and the appropriateness of the objectives proposed in this policy;
  • promote the active participation of staff in improving the quality management system;
  • inform and involve all staff on the results achieved under the quality management system;
  • promotes the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking.

The Management undertakes to ensure that the above quality policy is understood, implemented and supported at all company levels.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato