manganelo OmniaMTM - eResult


The implementation of Omniaplace for time and methods office

Thanks to the versatility of the OMNIAPLACE software platform, the OMNIAMTM (MTM, Methods and Time Measurement) solution has been developed to meet the specific needs of industrial customers, for the use and benefit of the Time and Methods function.

The solution facilitates business analysts and methodists together with process engineering who study, invent, modify equipment, lines and workplaces to optimize manual line work. The manager who requires reliable data in terms of costs and delivery times must have trained professionals and proven methodologies for defining the commitment of resources.

OMNIAMTM allows you to apply to the business reality methods and processes for the measurement of work, the basis of the definition of costs, scheduling of orders and industrialization of production processes.

The OMNIAMTM system is built in a modular way, in which each element performs some specific functions. It is therefore possible to implement a greater or lesser number of functionalities, using or not the specific elements, precisely to be able to adapt to different situations and environments in a dynamic way. The architecture is therefore open to potential system developments through the addition of new modules, further expanding the already exceptional configurability features inherited from OMNIAPLACE.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato