manganelo Omniafarm - eResult


The implementation of Omniaplace for agri-food production

Modern management of agricultural production, with particular reference to those of the highest quality, requires constant monitoring and advice from qualified agronomic technicians. The need therefore arises for tools aimed at tracking and managing information on the management of the various areas of land, which can be of support to both farmers and agronomic technicians.

The new generations of farmers, in fact, use the technology with interest and understand the advantages of ICT solutions aimed at improving business management and agricultural management, collecting and organizing information on crops that allow agronomists to operate in a more efficient and targeted manner in their activities of advice.

OMNIAFARM is an implementation of OMNIAPLACE for the management of food production, customized as each solution created with OMNIAPLACE and developed within specific projects co-financed by public bodies. It is an integrated management system of the modern farm, which allows operators to manage in a complete and efficient way the different aspects related to production, from the tracking of crop operations, the use of pesticides, advice on irrigation and treatment.

This system also allows a precise geo-localization of agricultural land, on which different production methods can be used, either by working remotely on cartographic images or directly on site with devices equipped with a GPS receiver. It allows to provide detailed and updated indications of the interventions carried out on the crops and of the verifications carried out in the field, both at the level of the single plot and at the level of statistical processing on a large sample, such as, for example, the set of plots of a consortium of producers.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato