manganelo Omnialabel - eResult


The implementation of Omniaplace for feed mills

OMNIALABEL is an application software for a correct and efficient management of all aspects related to the production and printing of tags used by feed mills for the indication, in accordance with the law, of the characteristics of the product (components, chemical analysis, integrations, etc..), created as a customization to the needs of different customers.

The use of the OMNIALABEL software is simple and intuitive and, thanks to the great flexibility of the OMNIAPLACE software platform, used for the development of the system, allows individual business operators considerable and diverse possibilities of use, based on the respective user permissions granted to them.

OMNIALABEL allows you to create new tags using the data in the master data (plants, product groups, components, integrators, etc..) or importing information about a pre-existing formula, also allows you to create new formulas using the data in the master data or importing them from a formulation system. OMNIALABEL allows you to create and launch new printing instructions for the tags present in the system on printers in the production line in locations even geographically distant, and also to manage the lots with barcode being able to associate them to the order and the bill automatically.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato