manganelo Omniaplace, the software that fits you - eResult

Omniaplace, the software that fits you

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Why choose the Omniaplace platform?

At eResult we are well aware that it is not easy for any company to radically change its technological infrastructure for a new one, even if it should turn out to be more efficient, because it is a very expensive operation and often takes a long time before it is properly incorporated into operational processes. For this reason, we have developed Omniaplace, a software platform designed for the agile, structured and integrated management of information, with features of extreme ease of use and integrability in companies application landscape.


A tailor-made and integrated solution that provides high technology and innovative management for medium and large companies, multinationals, and an international network of partners.


Thanks to the Omniaplace platform, you will be the one to determine the most suitable conformation of the software, without having to adapt to a pre-packaged tool and limited in evolution.


The after-sales service and technical support, complete with help desk interventions, remote assistance, on-site interventions and monitoring, guarantees systemic optimization over time.

Some of our partners who have chosen to use Omniaplace technology for their business.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato