manganelo Omniacare - eResult


Omniaplace’s implementation for the health-care and social welfare world

OMNIACARE is a hardware / software system specifically designed for the social welfare and healthcare sector. It provides tools both to the operators who provide assistance, and to the assisted. Its main aim is to improve the quality of life of those who need special attention in daily activities and those who take care of them, day by day.
The system is aimed at users who do not suffer from serious diseases, have good mobility and self-sufficiency in everyday activities, but who may find themselves in difficult situations and need support.
To promote the autonomy of frail people and help them lead an independent life for as long as possible in their own home, the system makes use of advanced technologies that allow constant monitoring of the patients’ health. Thanks to the system, caregivers are able to provide assistance remotely, verifying the situation at any time, receiving alerts in the event of alert situations and allowing them to communicate directly with the patients.
The OMNIACARE system is built in a modular way, in which each element performs some specific functions, precisely to be able to adapt to different situations and environments in a dynamic way. It is therefore possible to implement a greater or lesser number of functionalities, using or not using the specific elements without compromising in any way the general validity of the system. This architecture is therefore open to potential future developments of the system by adding new modules.
It is comprised by the following elements:
• Remote serve
• Gateway and vital parameters acquisition systems
• Webcam
• Smartphone (Android)
The Remote server, built through the OMNIAPLACE platform, is the main element of the system. It contains the profiles of individual users, the configuration settings of the various devices, the data received from the sensors and the smartphone and the web interface for accessing the system, which the operators use to connect and carry out their activities. To avoid unwanted changes to the configuration of the devices, all the configuration and parameterization of the sensors and the handheld device has been implemented on the central server and can be modified by the tutors as needed. The home server and the smartphone perform periodic synchronizations with the central server and download their configurations from it. The home server in turn sends the sensors, instructions for their possible configuration change, as appropriate.
The Gateway has the purpose of interfacing with various detection devices with the appropriate communication protocols. It also carries out a preliminary analysis of the data and transmits them to the central server according to the rules and intervals defined on the central server itself. It carries out an analysis of the data detected and in case of anomalies it sends the request for an alert to the central server. It does not require iteration with the user and therefore has no graphical interface.
The Webcam is accessible from the Internet through the OMNIACARE system. It allows to assess the situation of the elderly in the event of an alert situation being reported.
The Smartphone communicates directly with the remote server. It performs the functions of displaying reminders and alerts, telephone with simplified selection, navigation, GPS tracking of the assisted person away from home for the purpose of localization in case of need.
The system allows access via the Internet, through a web interface on the central server. There are two different categories of users, who have access to differentiated information and feature sets.
The Tutors, operators who provide assistance, have access to the data of their patients and to the measurements of the sensors. They can also configure the devices supplied to each patient.
Administrators, are users who have full access to the system, can create access credentials and also configure internal system parameters.

Viaggiamente allows to enter in the community of people with dementia the functionality of Omiacare, through the integration of tools and technologies for the diagnosis of dementia and the execution of remote rehabilitation therapy based on cognitive stimulation.
You can visit viaggiamente by clicking here.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato