manganelo Digital Oobeya - eResult

Digital Oobeya

The implementation of Omniaplace for the control of processes and projects

Oobeya is a Japanese term that means “large room” and is usually translated as “control room”, “command center”, or “war room”.
Digital Oobeya is an extremely flexible software platform that allows you to easily manage complete and structured Oobeya directly from the screen of your PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone. Digital Oobeya is able to communicate with any computer system, simplifying or completely eliminating the manual entry of data, automating the generation of graphs and reports, updates and synchronization of information.
Digital Oobeya helps large and small work groups to manage their daily activities in a coordinated, harmonious and fun way. Oobeya is perfect for managing complex projects, multiple orders, departmental activities (maintenance, format changes, tooling …) and interdepartmental activities, and all office activities, guaranteeing transparency and simplicity in communication. Oobeya allows the improvement of the reliability of business management and an increase in the level of customer service, reducing management costs.
From multinational giants to small family businesses, from the manufacturing world to service companies, from the private sector to public administrations, a well-structured Oobeya is the ideal tool for managing teams, activities, deadlines, resources, workloads, urgencies and priorities.

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato