From 20 years, eResult is active in the field of active ageing and assisted living environments, thanks to its participation in various national and EU research projects, which have resulted in numerous technological solutions designed to improve the quality of life of elderly and frail people, as well as their loved ones who often have to care for them.
As the age of the world’s population continues to raise, the role of technology may be increasingly central: it can support health professionals in assessing an individual’s capabilities, but also support and be a tool for the technician involved in rehabilitating and improving those capabilities.
Prevention, assessment, training: these are the potentials of our technological solutions that we will present from April 11 to 13 in Florence, as part of the 24th AIP National Congress, the largest Italian event dedicated to professionals in the world of psychogeriatrics, the science that deals with changes in mental functions and alterations in mental balance in advanced age.
This year’s edition of the Congress deals with the themes of integration and innovation in psychogeriatric knowledge, confirming the great attention of this field to technological innovations that can represent a great opportunity for the maintenance and improvement of the person’s psychophysical functions during the aging phase. During the event, a poster will also be presented, created in collaboration with Dr. Simona Di Santo and Tor Vergata University of Rome, in which the results of the experimentation activities of a driving simulator as a tool for early detection of cognitive difficulties from middle age will be presented.