The digital transformation of companies is one of the main missions that eResult has been pursuing for many years, thanks to the use of its OMNIAPLACE platform, which enables the creation of customized solutions designed on the specific needs of clients.
Our commitment to pursuing this growth path is strongest in the territory of Southern Italy, where with our Foggia office we are active in raising awareness among local businesses about the importance of digitization as a tool for optimizing costs and business processes.
For this reason, we are very happy to participate in the event, organized by Confindustria Foggia, entitled “Regional facilitations for SMEs and opportunities arising from the Single SEZ,” scheduled for Friday, December 15 at 3 p.m. at the local Confindustria headquarters.
During the event, in which the fiscal and organizational opportunities arising from the reorganization of the special economic zone operated by Decree Law No. 124/2023 will be addressed, Eng. Paolo Casacci will discuss the topic of digital transition and digitization of business production processes, presenting the opportunities also in function of the INNOAID call for proposals that makes available non-repayable contributions, for apulian companies wishing to invest in innovation, for a total amount of 4.000.000 euros.