When talking about digital transformation, or digital transformation, we refer to all that set of processes aimed at implementing a business model and acquiring an overview of the people involved and the organizations present within each company. It involves setting up a whole series of changes that act on different levels of the system, each of which has a different nature and a different field of application. This set of processes allows finding digital solutions that are specific to a specific reality, therefore customizable as they are always created by mutual agreement and with the constant support of a team of expert technicians who analyze their characteristics and needs on a case-by-case basis, weighing all the variables involved. To this, the possibility is added of integrating basic knowledge in a practical way, thanks to the increasingly widespread use of IT tools that improve the productivity of the company. Each tool is chosen based on the needs and objectives to be achieved, analyzing the systems already in place and those to be integrated. Digital transformation processes are based on the active and dynamic interaction of all the subjects present within an organization, so by acting on their motivations and their abilities it is possible to obtain considerable results. The key to this process is, in fact, precisely that of acting through a targeted action that is directly aimed at creating cooperation, involvement and enthusiasm, stimulating personal potential and aspirations. Every need and requirement is processed analytically and considered as an integral part of the system, creating a dynamic circle that is always on the move thanks to the thrust of internal growth (human digital transformation). All companies are made up of people, each of whom represents an element of the whole, which is why it is essential to create a synergy that leads all the players involved in a single direction.

A sector in which it appears particularly important to develop a process of digital transformation, is certainly the Healthcare Sector, also in light of the current pandemic emergency situation that the world is facing. The COVID-19 pandemic has, in fact, led to an acceleration of all procedures related to digital transformation, involving the entire Italian Healthcare system. This means addressing topics such as electronic health records, telemedicine and booking services managed entirely online, as well as having the possibility to develop new important Artificial Intelligence systems. During the national lockdown, in fact, the Government and the entire Health Sector have witnessed a renewed attention to these issues, often little addressed, and this has led to an increased attention to reform systems and processes, precisely as a result of this situation. This turns, for example, into remote outpatient specialist services or digital management of health data, also to effectively cope with an increasingly substantial amount of work. The health emergency has removed a veil of backwardness, making clear the increasingly felt need to develop new and fast processes that go towards simplification of work, allowing an effective management of difficult situations, where an intervention of urgency is often the only solution. Within a mature context, eResult enters the market with a technology on a human scale, proposing itself as a reliable partner to proceed together towards this new goal. At a time like now, in which the digital revolution makes it possible to access a potentially infinite amount of data and resources, it is necessary to be accompanied by someone extremely competent, who can give concrete help to understand what can be the best solution among the many available.
OMNIACARE, the platform for the health sector
In the Healthcare Sector, the application of a valid and integrated platform such as the one developed by the eResult team represents the best way to proceed towards a digital transformation path.

Omniaplace is in fact the ideal solution for those who work in the social and health sector and, in general, for those involved in healthcare. Thanks to continuous research and constant development in the field, Omniaplace allows a structured management of resources, with the aim of allowing faster and faster processing of information. The system conceived in this field is called OMNIACARE, an implementation of OMNIAPLACE aimed at the healthcare sector. The intent of this custom software is mainly to:
- start an integrated management of all medical records and lighten the flow of health data;
- implement specific functions aimed at caregivers and, in general, operators in the sector;
- speed up the analysis of vital parameters thanks to the development of special wearable devices, thus allowing immediate and accurate screening;
- allow a valid control of all health personnel and all the services offered by the structure.
Case history: OMNIACARE and the digitization of the clinical records at the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Bari.
Inside the Giovanni XXIII Polyclinic in Bari, an innovative patient management procedure has been activated within the nuclear medicine department. In terms of digital transformation applied to the Healthcare Sector, eResult has devised, in collaboration with the staff of the hospital department, a particularly valid and effective system, capable of speeding up the process of acceptance and control of patient parameters.

In detail, a procedure has been created by which a simple text message is sent to confirm the booking of an exam, directing the recipient to a link with an integrated guide on maps to reach the Nuclear Medicine department of the Bari Polyclinic. The patient is equipped with technologically advanced tools, such as a bluetooth device, which connects with medical records to determine the radiation dose, a smartwatch, useful for taking note of some important parameters such as heart rate, and a band, to keep breathing, ECG and posture under control.

All these parameters are sent via wifi to the OMNIACARE management platform. In this way, the electronic digitization of all medical records was started, which are received by health professionals who can thus proceed with the preparation of the radiopharmaceutical to be administered, thus facilitating the work of the department and streamlining the flow of data, making it more faster and safer. All this implies the elimination of paper records, which are often bulky and difficult to consult. Furthermore, at the end of the treatment, the patient is asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire using a digital form that takes into account all the data entered; this is very useful to have feedback and understand the impressions and the degree of satisfaction. The experimental project starts with the aim of monitoring subjects suffering from prostate cancer, involving not only patients, but also all Nuclear Medicine operators, the Public Institutions operating in the area, the University Department of Pharmacy, the Institute of Clinical Pathophysiology of the CNR of Lecce and the BeforPharma company. eResult took up the task of coordinating all these realities, making them dialogue and proposing a common field of intervention. In this way, the digitization of information has led not only to the promotion of a new way of understanding the relationship between institutions and patients, but also to a collaboration between public and private realities.