The English term “caregiver” is used to define the person who manages a patient who needs assistance, and who engages in the daily care activities of the patient. In a context such as Italy, where there is a general aging of the population, also thanks to progress in the medical and health fields, the role of caregivers is becoming increasingly important. In many cases, however, the person called upon to perform assistance tasks does not have the appropriate tools to provide the right support.
Liferesult is the startup that deals with the development and marketing of highly innovative products and solutions and technologically advanced ICT services linked to the Life Sciences technology district. Thanks to a specialized department, it provides high-tech products and services, in particular in the home care’s field. OMNIACARE, in fact, is the software developed by Liferesult and designed specifically for the social and healthcare sector. It provides tools for both caregivers and carers with the aim of improving the quality of life of those who need special attention in daily activities and of those who take care of them every day.

We offer you some curiosities about this innovative startup, reading the interview carried out by Syrus Blog with Paolo Casacci, CEO of Liferesult.
Hello Paolo, it’s a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your participation. Tell us more about Liferesult.
Perhaps it is a little considered aspect, but Liferesult is a company of “female entrepreneurship”: the social base consists entirely of women. This is an uncommon feature in the business world. I serve as president and then report all back to the team.
How and when was the idea of Liferesult born?
Liferesult was born from the desire to provide innovative solutions that can improve the quality of life of fragile and elderly people. There is a growing social need for tools to help people stay active and healthy, as they age. We talk about physical but also psychological health, as we see for many people also a reduction in the level of sociability. The two aspects then influence each other. Physical problems are connected to a more sedentary life, the frequent presence of fewer people, that leads to the phenomena of depression that trigger physical problems or aggravate them.
In addition to the social aspect, a cost-increasing aspect of the health system is created, as the worsening of health conditions results in an increase in admissions.
How did you launch your startup? Did you use crowdfunding campaigns?
The startup used its own initial capital, then continued its activity using fundings derived from the submission of research projects that have placed themselves at the top of the evaluation rankings. All due to their high level of innovation and the ability to provide effective solutions. This has made it possible to transform design ideas into tools and services, until coming to the realization of prototypes for field experimentation with users who have made their valuable contribution to creating simple solutions that meet real needs.
How does OMNIACARE work?
OMNIACARE is an ever-changing “open-source system”. OMNIACARE is an hardware/software system developed specifically for the social and healthcare sector. It provides tools and features for fragile people and their caregivers. The main purpose of OMNIACARE is to improve the quality of life of those who need special attention in daily activities and those who take care of it, day after day. The system uses advanced technologies that allow constant monitoring of the health status of fragile and/or elderly patients. Thanks to this, caregivers and health professionals are able to provide assistance at a distance and in real time, receiving warnings and alerts in case of detected criticalities and being able to communicate directly with their patients. OMNIACARE allows easy and complete patient management, with extensive clinical record functionality, examination and report archive, pathology management and therapies. Physicians and health professionals can benefit from advanced functions for the assessment of the patient’s health status and his treatments. Each new project allows us to develop new modules and enrich the system with new features.
How does your startup try to improve the quality of life of all those people who fall into the weakest groups?
Research projects are the way to create new products and services that, at a later stage, have the possibility of being placed on the market. In this way we can provide tools to satisfy a need that otherwise would risk remaining latent and unheard.
What are your plans for the future?
The projects are based on continuing in the path of research, following the social and technological evolutions and always trying to provide new solutions to people’s problems. We also evaluate collaboration with other companies to facilitate the creation and placing on the market of products born from this research.
Curiosity: we know that Liferesult also works with institutions to define new services and technological tools. Are there any projects currently in progress?
Usually we have more than one project in progress and we also operate outside of the AAL (Active and Assisted Living). At the moment, a research project in the field of Industry 4.0 linked to the reuse of waste in the production of carbon fiber is about to start. We will develop a system for monitoring the working conditions of the operators to avoid problems related to posture and wrong moves. Recently we closed the research project called “Rehab-Dem” ,presented by the Minister of Economic Development, in which we proceeded to the realization of an integrated ICT system for the implementation of rehabilitation therapy for patients suffering from Alzheimer.
To find out more about Liferesult visit the website https://www.liferesult.it/it-it/