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Also in the recent Horizon 2020 calls, the eResult project office has employed a substantial organizational and coordination effort. Within the EU call for projects called “SC1-DTH-11-2019: Large Scale pilots of personalized & outcome based integrated care”, two project proposals were finalized in which eResult and the integrated Omniacare platform play a central role. The proposals see the participation of more than 30 partners in Europe.

On February 1st, 2019 the MSLAB project (Multisensory Stimulation Lab) officially starts. Co-financed by the Apulia Region, within the “INNOLABS – Innovative solutions for problems of social relevance” call, the MSLAB Project aims to realize an experimental non-pharmacological therapy aimed at verifying and implementing the use in Puglia of treatment with multisensory stimulation (Snoelzen method), in patients with […]

eResult provides a new version of the Omniaplace integrated platform. Redesigned with a modern architectural design based on a microservice approach, the platform can now also be released on the cloud, regardless of the specific provider. Moreover, Omniaplace now presents a completely renewed user interface that aims at a more modern and intuitive user experience, referring to the principles of the material design style […]

The ADAS+ project has started, in which eResult will bring its own contribution to innovation and knowledge. Co-financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research in the framework of the 2015-2020 NRP, the project aims to develop an innovative demonstrator of safe driving assistance able to monitor, in a timely and continuous manner, both the level psycho-physical of the driver including state of vigilance and the quality […]

Linkedin Learning in eResult

eResult decided to rely on Linkedin Learning to provide its employees with the opportunity to take advantage of continuous online training in a free and independent way, to improve their technical knowledge, refine soft skills and mature new competences.

In less than a month, more than 100 hours of online training have been exploited, on technical and non-technical courses […]

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eResult S.r.l. - Partita IVA IT02089480392 - REA Forlì-Cesena n. FO-293901 - Cap. Sociale € 20.000,00 int.te versato